For our clients in the Public Sector we are registered as a supplier on a number of procurement frameworks to help you save time and money when you need our support. If you would like any help in selecting the best framework for your requirements then please feel free to get in touch.
ESPO - Consultancy Services
ESPO's Consultancy Services framework is designed to create a simple and efficient solution for those looking to procure trustworthy advice from pre-approved suppliers.
Digital Outcomes 6
Digital Outcomes 6 – the Crown Commercial Service framework - provides a route for UK public sector organisations to procure bespoke digital solutions and services.
The Digital Outcomes 6 framework is expected to go live in August 2022.
Bloom Procurement
The Bloom Procurement Service offers a dynamic supply chain providing the public sector with a marketplace to buy and manage services.
G-Cloud 13
The G-Cloud 13 framework enables potential customers to view and purchase cloud commercial services. For a full list of our services click on the website below:
Elis 2.0 Framework
We are part of the Elis 2.0 Framework, which was set up by a group of five collaborating CSUs – North East London CSU, Midlands and Lancashire CSU, North of England CSU, Arden and GEM CSU, South, Central and West CSU – to deliver their unique requirements.
Health Systems Support Framework
As part of our working partnership with The Network Group we have been appointed to work on the NHS England framework – Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF). The HSSF provides an easy route to access support services from innovative third-party suppliers. It can be used by any NHS organisation, including Digital Exemplars, national Arm’s-Length Bodies, local authorities and a wide range of public sector bodies where they are supporting integrated Care Systems (ICSs), Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) or health and social care in general.
The Network Group brings together experienced and well-established teams from across UK health and social care. The Network Group has been appointed to work on three lots within HSSF:
Lot 6: Transformation and Change Support
Lot 7: Patient Empowerment and Activation
Lot 9: System Assurance Support